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18th September 2024

Gen X and Millennials are Ruling the Roost!

According to a recent survey*, the highest percentage of today’s new pet owners belong to the Gen X and Millennial age groups and that could be good or bad news for your veterinary practice, depending on whether you’ve adapted your services to suit the expectations of these generational groups.

We can see below how big a percentage of today’s pet owners are made up by these tech’ driven, subscription loving, convenience demanding pet parents.

The challenge for veterinary practices is to find ways to provide the services that these age groups demand from all the providers they choose. As we know, pet owners are consumers too and they expect convenience, value, and easy access to all their buying options. We’ve reported previously that deliveries, access to digital communications and value for money are the front runners in pet owners’ decision making.

The success of pet healthcare plans in the UK also tells us that clients like the option of spreading the cost of healthcare and receiving loyalty benefits, as well as knowing they’re doing the best for their beloved pets. So, how can you make them more relevant and attractive to younger pet owners?

Post2Pet, PVA’s delivery service, is proving to be increasingly important to pet owners and practices alike. Clients are much more loyal to a plan that includes home delivery of parasiticides, and the number of joiners increases considerably when delivery is included. In fact, independently verified analysis of data on plan performance shows that plan cancellations drop by 15% and sign-ups increase by 25%! A very recent PVA study shows that pets on plan with delivery included stay on plan for 22 months longer than standard plan members. This goes to prove how today’s pet owners really value this service. Ask your clients if they feel the same.

How else can you attract and/or keep younger owners?

Digital engagement is especially important to these pet owners, as they don’t want to make or accept phone calls in order to use your practice’s services. One way to improve digital engagement is to ask PVA to set up an online joining page on your website, which means less work for you and a preferred, easier process for tech savvy pet parents.

PVA’s Vet2Pet app allows you to communicate with your clients in a much more efficient, dynamic way that really resonates with pet owners. You can do so much with the app, including giving hospitalisation updates, sending invoices, and allowing clients to self-serve, saving you valuable time. There are many more features to this service, so click the button below to request more information.

Whether your practice uses PVA services or not, we are very happy to offer advice on how you can satisfy the needs of younger pet owners, whilst making sure you can make running your plans much easier. Just click below and we’ll give you more information.

We’ll be doing a more in-depth blog on the importance of digital engagement soon and will be looking at how you can move at the same pace as your clients.

*Spark Motion pet owner survey 2024