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22nd May 2024

How to Sell the Benefits of Your Pet Health Plan

man looking at app selling the benefits of your pet health plan

Pet healthcare plans are fairly ubiquitous in today’s veterinary industry, but how can you make sure that all your clients are aware of the benefits they can enjoy from your plan?
There are several ways that you can put your plans front and centre of your clients’ mind and get better at selling the benefits of your pet health plan and here we look at just some of the ways you can do this.


Most practices have good websites, but does yours promote all your services? We have seen some where a lot of clinical information is available, but healthcare plans don’t feature. Today you can easily, not only promote the benefits of your plans (savings, clinical compliance, easy payments etc.), but also give clients an effortless way to join via your website. You can set up online joining, which gives pet owners an easy, quick way to take out your plans. We can talk you through how easy this is to set up, so just click below to request information. You don’t have to do anything, we do it all for you.

Waiting room

If you have space, a good, highly visible display board or posters promoting your plans helps raise awareness. You have a captive audience, so these are ideal ways to get pet owners’ attention.
Leaflets are an effective way of showing clients the plan benefits specific to their pet. You can promote the savings and benefits relevant to each type of pet.

Unique selling points (USPs)

Think about what your plan offers that competitors may not. Home delivery is a fantastic USP to be able to promote and offer, as it increases sign-ups by 25%1 . Promote any discounts available to members on products and procedures and let clients know of any special events or promotions that are for members only.

Directly engaging with the pet owner

Talking to clients at times when the plan is relevant and could help them budget is the most valuable of tools. It may feel a bit daunting when your staff are asked to speak with clients about plans but the beauty of our ‘four points of contact’ strategy is that it’s in bite size chunks and is designed to inform your clients, not sell to them. A successful outcome when using this approach is that the pet owner is informed enough to says yes or no. It’s created to give short pieces of information at the various contact points you have with clients, without feeling pushy and for the client to be able to make an informed decision. If you’d like to know more about our unique and very simple strategy, just click below to request more information.

Client App

Today’s pet owners are becoming younger and are heavily reliant on technology to interact with businesses; be they service, health or commerce based. If we think about our mobile phones, how many apps do we have for the services we use? Hotels, NHS, online shopping platforms and so on. Vets are using our app to promote healthcare plans to their clients with an option to join from their phone. Pet owners use our app to make appointments, receive hospitalisation updates and make payments, as well as access breed specific advice and access to home delivery tracking and status. Having their healthcare plan details available to view 24/7 means fewer phone calls to their vet too.

SMS messaging

Many practices now use reminders to promote plans and they are an ideal time to remind clients that joining a plan means generous savings on preventative treatments, including vaccines and parasiticides. Adding something as simple as “Froggy is due his annual booster. If he is a member of our health plan, there’s nothing to pay on the day” It serves as a reminder of the benefits of being on plan to members and creates interest if they are not on a plan.

vet in background and a laptop and stethoscope in foreground

Email signature templates

You’ll probably have a template signature with your practice logo and contact details. You can also add some brief promotion of your plans, letting everyone know that you run a plan and, if you offer home delivery, add that detail too. It really helps with sign up numbers.

Selling the benefits of your pet health plan

There are lots of ways to promote your plans and the benefits of joining, to pet owners. Have a look at what you currently do compared to the ideas above and try and implement some more ways of getting the message out. Pet owners really like healthcare plans and the easier you make it for them to join, the more your clients will want to sign up.

For help or more advice about healthcare plans just click below to request information.

1 Live data from PVA reporting