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7th August 2024

Can You Guess the Top Cat and Dog Names in 2024?

Here at PVA, we decided to have a bit of fun and look at the top cat and dog names in 2024. We have the largest database of pets using healthcare plans in the UK and this gives us a great insight into what pet owners’ favourite choices are.

What do you think the top pet names are? We asked our team of expert coaches what they thought the most popular dog and cat names are.

Are they close to the wider findings? Before we look at the results of our UK survey, let’s look at what our staff think.

How do these opinions compare to a wider survey of UK pets registered on a PVA healthcare plan?

We reviewed the names of pets that have active plans to see which are the most popular. Do these reflect the trends you’re seeing in your practice?

The UK top three cat and dog names on our database are;

Our PVA coaches appear to have their fingers on the pulse when it comes to the top choice for cat and dog names! It’s interesting that two of the top three cat and dog names are the same, showing that the choice of names appears to no longer be driven by species.

Pet names, like babies’ names, come into and out of fashion, with more human names used in recent years, often driven by popular film characters, and celebrities. A recent study found that dogs and cats were much more likely to be given human names (48% and 42% respectively) * and the decision to use human names could also be down to newer, younger pet owners feeling a strong sense of connection and closeness to their pets; seeing them as members of the family, as human birth rate falls to an all-time low here in the UK.  

It will be interesting to see what names make the top three in a year or two’s time and which have fallen out of favour.

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*Psychology Today survey