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19th July 2024

Home Delivery – Why Are We Still Talking About It?!

We published a blog post earlier this year, to address the reasons a veterinary practice might not want to set up a home delivery service for their healthcare plan members’ parasiticides and, whilst many practices have since taken steps to set up PVA’s Post2Pet home delivery service, there are still some who feel it’s unnecessary, extra work, as they don’t think it will make a big enough difference to their plan performance or that there is not a significant appetite from pet owners.

If you’re one of the practices still unsure about offering this service, look at what we discovered. We analysed the cancellations of standard plans versus plans where the pet owner received products to their door and found a significant difference in plan longevity.

Is this significant? The answer is yes! The negative impact on the number of months a pet not receiving products stays on plan (17.1 months versus 39.2 months when products are delivered) means an average potential loss of around £408.85 per pet*. If you have 500 pets on your plan, that may equate to a loss of around £204,000*, due to the shorter lifespan of plans without home delivery included *.

Can you afford this loss of revenue through avoidable cancellations? PVA knows that it may feel like a big step to set this service up, but there is little for you to do to, as your dedicated coach takes care of the set-up process.

You’re in safe hands too, as we have been providing this service to our customers since 2019 and send out over 400,000 deliveries a year. The data proves how popular and valued this service is with pet owners and the evidence shows how much more valuable these clients are to your practice.

See what Anderson Vets has to say about how Post2Pet changed their business and has made life easier, with fewer phone calls, fewer complaints and has allowed the practice to become more dynamic

PVA coaches are currently working with several practices who want to address the loss of revenue but need assistance to train staff and help ensure a smooth transition. If you’d like to speak to one of our coaches about adding home delivery to your plans, just click here to request contact and they will be in touch.

*Based on the UK average plan price of £18.50 x 22.1 months which is the difference between non-HD and HD plans lifespan